Once in a century, industry experiences a technological breakthrough that is truly revolutionary, changing not only the way we think but also the way things are done. Now is the time for oral hygiene.
Theodent toothpastes make use of the power of cocoa. The active ingredient of Theodent, Rennou, is a mixture of theobromine, calcium and phosphate in a proprietary formulation that provides rapid remineralization of the enamel. It is clinically proven that Theodent remineralizes enamel more effectively than fluoride based toothpastes. Theodent toothpastes represent a real revolution in oral care, as they confirm that fluoride is no longer needed to maintain excellent oral health. Theodent toothpastes protect the teeth more effectively than fluoride toothpastes and reduce the hypersensitivity of the enamel.
Experience "the best toothpaste in the world" for yourself today.